Kool Kids

If you like to move and groove, maybe it’s time to take your dancing to the streets. And if you want to learn the latest moves, the greatest moves and every street style move under the sun, you should go to DanceKool.

DanceKool teaches all sorts of street styles for preschoolers to over 60s. It’s a fun and athletic way to hit the dance floor and the moves you will master are as cool as the school’s name suggests.

Karen Siu teaches hip hop from beginner moves to advanced moves. She also teaches whaacking – a style similar to vogueing but set to disco music instead of house. The resulting dances are super stylish, hilarious and surprisingly liberating.

There are more than 20 classes a week at DanceKool, from school kids ensemble classes to adult classes, where you can explore your street identity through dance.

Nothing’s cooler than DanceKool!



