Puppy Yoga

In our busy lives, mental health and wellbeing have never been more important. And one yoga studio is on a mission to spread peace and joy, and support better mental health, through Puppy Yoga!

Yoga Loft, in Sydney’s Surry Hills, runs Puppy Yoga classes, where participants are connected with puppies, in a ‘paw-fectly’ balanced yoga session. The class includes relaxation, followed by gentle stretching and sequences, while the puppies roam the studio, spreading their own special kind of puppy magic!

Yoga Loft has various breeds of puppies, sourced through ethical breeders and shelters. And should you have a special connection with one of the puppies and wish to take your puppy with you to its ‘forever home’, the studio is more than happy to put you in touch with the respective breeder or shelter. Yoga Loft is one studio that has literally ‘gone to the dogs’, and you will love every minute of Puppy Yoga!

Puppy Yoga