Winter Warmers

Winter is well underway in Sydney, so this weekend Teigan checks out a couple of places that are sure to warm your body and your heart!

Cardigang is an on-line business that started designing, packaging and sending out do-it-yourself knitting kits during lockdown. Now, thanks to a huge following on social media, the company is offers in-person workshops in Melbourne and Sydney. Join Teigan as she has a yarn about yarn to Morgan and Cat, the brains behind the brand, and then gets a hands-on experience during their fun-filled Beanie-Making Workshop.

After getting crafty with Cardigang, Teigan drops into an amazing warehouse in Alexandria where another group are doing wonderful things with wool. Wrap With Love is an incredible charity where volunteers from all over the country knit squares that are sewn together to make warm blankets for people in need. Teigan talks to the charity’s chair, Linda Brooke, about the knitting circles and the network of selfless volunteers that have kept this not-for-profit organisation going for over thirty years. Teigan also gets to employ her new-found needlework when she joins the ladies in the lunch room and discovers their hearts are just as warm as the wool.


Wrap with Love Inc